Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Great Debate: A Tale of Two Brothers

So ladies (not sure if my gentlemen followers will be into this posting, but feedback is always nice), which will it be? Sultry Stefan Salvatore or his HOTT bad ass brother Damon? I know, decisions, decisions.
(JHR and AC, this blog is dedicated to you, your comments are kindly requested)

I think that one could definitely find faults on both sides. On one hand, Damon gives new meaning to sibling rivalry, however, he also gives new meaning to “what’s happening hot stuff” (yes, 16 candles, you know you love it). Damon, played by Ian Somerhalder, is the quintessential bad boy, and I love me some bad boy. He is so good at making you hate him, then he goes and saves Elena, and you can’t help but think he might have some good in him. His rugged good looks and take-no-prisoners attitude jump off the screen and you find yourself wanting to get to the bottom of his broken heart.

Then there’s Stefan, played by Paul Wesley, who is quite the boy next door (aside from the whole I’ll suck your blood Vampire thing). Yes, he is handsome. And yes, he draws you in with his big brown eyes, and calming voice. But really, who wants to be with the good guy? JHR, I know you feel that you would jump his bones should you get the chance, but I need more to go on than just his face (and eight-pack abs). Hmmmm, actually, maybe I don’t.

So, what do you think? I vote for Damon, like I said, I dig the bad boys.

But hey, that’s just this girl’s opinion.


  1. Is this really something that a father should be responding to?:-) After all, we all harbor the notion, however unreasonable, that you will always be Daddy's girl!
