Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Great Debate: A Tale of Two Judges

Ellen vs. Paula...let the games begin

I for one am ECSTATIC with the change American Idol has made. Ellen brings such a different vibe to show. I may be biased (I think she's the funniest female on Earth) but I am loving AI so far.

Ellen has gotten off to a somewhat rocky start, according to some recent polls. I am assuming this is due to people expecting more from her right out the gate. However, I think we are being broken in slowly and look forward to the coming weeks.

As a huge Ellen fan (Here and Now, rent her comedy hour on dvd...or borrow it from me) I am excited to see her in a different role than we are used to. Sure her talk show is great (thank god for DVR) and her comedy specials are amazing (ever walked into a plate glass window?), but this is new genre for her.

What makes Ellen qualified to judge a singing talent competition? Well, not much as far as I can tell. But she brings a new aspect to the show: humor. Yes, we had humor when Paula was around, in the form of Simon making fun of her. But Ellen is a refreshing new kind of humor. Gone are the days of ridiculous antics from the judges table, bring on the love and peace that embodies Ellen. As for the Ellen/Simon dynamic...I think Paula said it best "Things in common, Just ain't a one, But when we get together, We have nothin' but fun" (that's right, I quoted Opposites Attract)

I vote for Ellen, hands down

But hey, that's just this girl's opinion.

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