Saturday, December 26, 2009

it's complicated

I just returned from the theater with sisters and a friend, having seen "it's complicated". I think I need to start lowering my expectations, so I don't leave movies disappointed.

I was so looking forward to seeing this movie (mostly for the John Krasinski factor, but I digress) and it just didn't deliver the way I had hoped. Meryl Streep and Alec Baldwin were great, as the ex-spouses who hook up. However, I wasn't into Steve Martin as the new love interest for Jane, Streep's character.

I really loved the dynamic between Streep and Baldwin and could have spent hours watching them play off one another. The relationship and romance were very believable, and I truly think every divorced child dreams of their parents rekindling the spark. I thought Krasinski's turn as the daughter's fiance, who knows too much, was excellent and he brought a lot of humor to the part and the movie.

The casting of Lake Bell as Baldwin's new wife was also a bit of a downer for me. I just didn't believe that he would leave his wife for her. The character got no airtime and you weren't able to root against her, as you never saw her, or got the vibe that she was a homewrecker.

I don't know, maybe I'm being too hard. Nancy Meyers did a wonderful job. The movie was well written (aside from the ending, I felt it was lacking a bit) and the direction was great. There really wasn't a dull moment (I laughed my ass off, ask my sisters). But like I said, I wasn't as happy leaving it as I thought I'd be.

I give it a solid B+, I enjoyed it for the most part. I don't know that it's worth the $12.50 to see in it a theater though.

But hey, that's just this girl's opinion.

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