Sunday, September 25, 2011

coming soon...

hey y'all, so as i promised when i returned from my trip, there is a large review entry coming your way, with lots of movies. i have no excuses for not filling you in yet, i guess life just gets in the way sometimes.

i will report some good news though...over the past week (and still going) i have been trying to watch as many SERIES premieres as possible, so that i can give you the best possible outline for the coming season. i have watched almost everything, and taken notes. pilots and premieres will continue through october, but i have no plan to wait that long to express my opinions. i will be starting this week, with everything i have watched so far

i hope you are all enjoying the beginning of the fall season so far, i know it's been an interesting one for me. well, at least, that's just this girl's option

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