Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A Must See: Parenthood

As if the casting didn't have me tuning in, they have definitely delivered a show worthy of a DVR spot. 

Lauren Graham, well i have no words. Since Gilmore Girls ended almost 3 years ago, i have been in LG-withdrawal. She brings such character to all of her roles, and her tv absence has been felt by many. Lauren, i have never been a big fan of the indie movies you chose to do, but you got back into tv in an amazing way. Sarah Braverman (LG's role on parenthood) is a single mother dealing with a lot; drug addict ex-husband, crazy kids, and an even crazier family. Lauren, thank you for joining the show, and giving me a reason to turn on the tv on tuesday nights!

As for the rest of the cast, well nbc really knows how to pick 'em...

Peter Krause: it is also so good to see you back, but on a show i can actually stand to watch. (Dirty Sexy Money lost me after the first episode.) His portrayal of a man with a child recently diagnosed with Autism, is really great. He shows his ability to be both funny and dramatic, and is able to do it within the same scene. Kudos my friend

Craig T. Nelson: i mean it's Freddy Nefler, no further reason needed (if you don't know "Nefler the Muffler Man", i am disappointed)

Dax Shepard: I LOVE YOUUUUUU (tell kristin we miss her on tv also)

PLEASE, i am telling you, if you are going to watch one new show this spring, let it be PARENTHOOD. you will not be disappointed

But hey, that's just this girl's opinion